Thursday 14 July 2011

Short Story Writing

I've been itching to get back to short story writing for some time after a long stretch focusing on my novel. I've missed several short story competition deadlines, which I'm rather miffed about, simply because I didn't feel I had anything new enough or good enough to send out.

I've just read this marvellous blog post by Alison McLeod about writing short stories. Superb tips! I would urge everyone who wishes to write good short stories and everyone who submits to The Yellow Room Magazine to read this!

I've just finished sending the last of The Yellow Room Issue 6 out to all those who requested a copy or subscribe. We have a bit of a cash flow problem at the moment, so I would urge you to buy a copy of the magazine, if you haven't already or recommend it to your friends.

I hope you like the photograph! It was taken in the 1930s (my father as a baby, his mother - far left, his uncle and aunt).


JO said...

Nothing to do with your writing efforts - but have discovered how to do clever reduction-of-address on twitter (you tweeted about it a while ago). Instead of clicking on the twitter button at the bottom of you blog, copy the address and then paste it into a tweet - and voila!

Anonymous said...

Great link - thanks Jo!